-- *****************************************************************
-- ciscoAtmVirtualIfCapabilities MIB
-- May 2003, Jim Bains
-- Copyright(c) 2002, 2005 by Cisco Systems,Inc.
-- *****************************************************************

                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                FROM CISCO-SMI;   

ciscoAtmVirtualIfCapability MODULE-IDENTITY
        LAST-UPDATED    "200511140000Z"
        ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
                "       Cisco Systems
                        Customer Service

                Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
                        San Jose, CA  95134

                        Tel: +1 800 553-NETS

                E-mail: cs-wanatm@cisco.com"
                "The Agent Capabilities for 
                - cavIfCapmVirtualIfCapabilityV2R00 is
                  for AXSM module in Release 2.0.

                - cavIfCapabilityAxsmV2R0010 is
                  for AXSM Service Module in Release 2.0.10.       

                - cavIfCapabilityAxsmeV2R0160 is
                  for AXSM-E Service Module in Release 2.1.60."

        REVISION       "200511140000Z"
                "Updated the imports such that Unsigned32 is imported from 
                SNMPv2-SMI instead of CISCO-TC."
        REVISION       "200309100000Z"
                "Added cavIfCapabilityV5R00 for 
                 MPSM155 service module in Release 5.0.00"

        REVISION       "200303240000Z"
                "Added cavIfCapabilityV4R00 for :
                 Service Modules AXSM-XG, AXSM-E and 
                 Processor Switch Module PXM1E in 
                 Release 4.0.00"

        REVISION       "200205140000Z"
                "Initial version of the MIB"
        ::= { ciscoAgentCapability 279 }


PRODUCT-RELEASE  "MGX8850 Release 2.00"
STATUS           current
                 AXSM Service Module."

INCLUDES { caviMIBGroup,

VARIATION    caviIfType
SYNTAX       INTEGER { uni(1),nni(2) }
DESCRIPTION  "Does not support vnni(3), vuni(4)."

VARIATION    caviMinRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..5651320)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate for 
             oc48 which is 5651320 cells/sec."

VARIATION    caviMaxRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..5651320)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate for 
             oc48 which is 5651320 cells/sec."

VARIATION    caviEgrRMCells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."
VARIATION    caviEgrXmtEFCICells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."

VARIATION    caviEgrRcvEFCICells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."

VARIATION    caviEgrXmtOAMCells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."

VARIATION    caviIngRMCells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."
VARIATION    caviIngXmtEFCICells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."

VARIATION    caviIngRcvEFCICells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."

VARIATION    caviIngXmtOAMCells
DESCRIPTION  "value is always 0."

    ::= { ciscoAtmVirtualIfCapability 1 }

cavIfCapabilityAxsmV2R0010 AGENT-CAPABILITIES

PRODUCT-RELEASE "MGX8850 Release 2.0.10"
STATUS          current
                AXSM Service Module."

INCLUDES { caviMIBGroup,

VARIATION    caviIfType
SYNTAX       INTEGER { uni(1),nni(2), vnni(3) }
DESCRIPTION  "Does not support vuni(4)."

VARIATION    caviMinRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..5651320)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate for 
             oc48 which is 5651320 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviMaxRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..5651320)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate for 
             oc48 which is 5651320 cells per sec."

VARIATION    caviEgrRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviEgrXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHEgrXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHEgrXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviIngXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

    ::= { ciscoAtmVirtualIfCapability 2 }

cavIfCapabilityAxsmeV2R0160 AGENT-CAPABILITIES

PRODUCT-RELEASE  "MGX8850 Release 2.1.60"
STATUS           current
                 Enhanced AXSM (AXSM-E)module."

INCLUDES { caviMIBGroup,

VARIATION    caviIfType
SYNTAX       INTEGER { uni(1),nni(2), vnni(3) }
DESCRIPTION  "Does not support vuni(4)."

VARIATION    caviMinRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..1412830)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate for 
             oc12 which is 1412830 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviMaxRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..1412830)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate for 
             oc12 which is 1412830 cells per sec."

VARIATION    caviEgrRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviEgrXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHEgrXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHEgrXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviIngXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

    ::= { ciscoAtmVirtualIfCapability 3 }


PRODUCT-RELEASE  "MGX8950, MGX8850 Release 4.00.00"
STATUS           current
                 10 Gig. AXSM module (AXSM-XG), 
                 Enhanced AXSM module (AXSM-E) and
                 Processor Switch Module Enhanced(PXM1E)
                 controller card."

INCLUDES { caviMIBGroupRev1,

-- Variations applicable for AXSM-XG.

VARIATION    caviMinRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..22605280)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate 
             for oc192 which is 22605280 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviMaxRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..22605280)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate
             for oc192 which is 22605280 cells per sec."

VARIATION    caviIntEgrRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

-- Variations applicable for AXSM-E.

VARIATION    caviMinRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..1412830)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate 
             for oc12 which is 1412830 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviMaxRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..1412830)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate 
             for oc12 which is 1412830 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviHighIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngClp1DiscCells 
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

-- Variations applicable for PXM1E.

VARIATION    caviMinRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..353207)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate 
             for oc12 which is 353207 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviMaxRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..353207)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate 
             for oc12 which is 353207 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviStatIngressTable
--ACCESS     not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "This table is not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngressIntervalTable
--ACCESS     not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "This table is not supported"

-- Variations applicable for AXSM-E, PXM1E.

VARIATION    caviHighEgrRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrClp1DiscCells 
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

-- Variations applicable for AXSM-E, AXSM-XG.

VARIATION    caviIngRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviIngXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

-- Variations applicable for AXSM-E, AXSM-XG, PXM1E.

VARIATION    caviEgrRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviEgrXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

    ::= { ciscoAtmVirtualIfCapability 4 }


PRODUCT-RELEASE  "MGX8950, MGX8850 Release 5.00.00"
STATUS           current
                 MPSM155 service module."

INCLUDES { caviMIBGroupRev1,

-- Variations applicable for MPSM155.

VARIATION    caviMinRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..353207)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate 
             for oc3 which is 353207 cells per sec"

VARIATION    caviMaxRate
SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (50..353207)
DESCRIPTION  "The upper limit is the maximum rate
             for oc3 which is 353207 cells per sec."

VARIATION    caviIntEgrRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntEgrXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIntIngXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngClp1DiscCells 
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviStatIngressTable
--ACCESS     not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "This table is not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngressIntervalTable
--ACCESS     not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "This table is not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighEgrXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrClp1DiscCells 
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHighIntEgrXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviIngXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviIngRcvOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngRcvClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngRcvClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngClp0DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngClp1DiscCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngXmtClp0Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviHIntIngXmtClp1Cells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrRMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"
VARIATION    caviEgrXmtEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrRcvEFCICells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

VARIATION    caviEgrXmtOAMCells
ACCESS       not-implemented
DESCRIPTION  "Object not supported"

    ::= { ciscoAtmVirtualIfCapability 5 }